Storyboard: Making it come to life.

Scene 1: Sum of us are hanging out at the park in a sad mood. The energy is low and no one is really talking or saying anything to each other. Scene 2: One of us walks into the frame blasting the song “Happy” by Pharrel Williams on a speaker/boom box. At first we are all questioning him but after listening to the music we all get up and start feeling ourselves. Scene 3: The friend holding the speaker playing the music does a hand wave indicating for the others to follow him. So they do and as they do they do it in a dancing manor. Scene 4: All the friends are walking throughout the park with more energy, the sun is brighter, the sky is more blue, and there is more activity going on. Overall the entire mood shifts to a happier one. Scene 5: Next shot will be taken in Downtown Hollywood of the friends walking by people and giving off their “happy” and good energy to everyone around them. Scene 6: An abrupt transition of downtown to the beach will be made. In the beach shot the frien...