Research Blog

     My group is doing an Arizona Ice Tea commercial. Arizonas are know for their aesthetic wrapping and cheap prices. Therefore a lot of Arizona commercials have a tropical theme to them. In Arizona commercials they always make sure the audience see the big “Arizona” word on the bottles to let the audience know it’s an Arizona advertisement. The commercials usually include logos as a way to market their product by constantly showing the “99¢” on the bottle showing the audience that one can is less than a dollar. In a lot of these commercials the actors are wearing tropical button downs, swimming shorts, sunglasses, pool floats around their arms, etc. They do this to give off those bright tropical colors and themes. Props that are often used are, ice, Arizona tea, sunglasses, swim trunks, pool floats, etc.

The music that are used in most commercials are tropical like beats or songs that make the audience feel relaxed and chilled. The price of Arizonas are a big deal. Arizona’s main slogan is “Refreshing health, and natural taste”. This is why they tend to revolve their advertisements around hot summer days.They do this because they want to imitate how refreshing an Arizona Ice Tea can be on a hot sunny day. Another major marketing factor used by Arizona is the “99¢” written on the side of the can. The community loves cheap refreshing food or drinks so making the Arizona’s cheap and making it know for its price brings in a large amount of customers. Not only are the cans cheap but they are fairly dispersed in 16oz cans. The name Arizona is to show and remind customers of how refreshing an Arizona can be in such a hot place like Arizona state. Arizona advertisements often have tropical music playing in the background to let the audience know that the weather is hot and sunny out. Because of this marketing technique it shows the audience that such music can’t go with any other type of weather. Overall Arizona uses many type of marketing techniques but the tropical vibe refresher and price of the cans are the what mainly bring in the buyers.


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