Production Blog: A Rainy Day

     We planned on filming the second half of our music video today. We all got up at 11:00 a.m. and got ready to meet up. However the first thing we all noticed after getting ready was the weather. There were dark grey clouds in the distance. When checking the whether it said 70% chance of rain. So we were all talking about it in the group chat and decided to postpone the filming. We were not able to film because the whether did not fit the theme of the video. So instead of not doing anything the whole day we decided to make a group call and plan on every detail of the second part of the video. At around 1:00 p.m. we all got into a group call. And for about an hour we brainstormed ideas on how we can make this video as good as possible. We talked about ways to film and edit certain shots. We were able to get a full run down of how we want our finished product to look like. At around 3:00 p.m. Jhon had an unexpected call into work. So the day worked out properly because if we were out filming Jhon would have to leave mid filming. Not only did we get work done today but we planned accordingly. This saves a lot of time in the near future. With clear imagery of what we want for our video it makes it easier on us. When needing to edit or film it is now a lot more dull on us. Overall a failed day turned into a productive one. When obstacles come our way we learn to find our way around them.


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