Camera Angle, Shots, and Movements. -Thrillers focus on portraying the feeling of tension and suspense, they do this by using various camera angles, movements, and shots These are: -High angle and Low angle- to enhance power imbalance between victim and antagonist -Close-up shots- to show reactions and dramatic details that move the audience -Tracking shots/Panning- build unknown and suspense; could show a character being followed -Dutch angle- adds dramatic tension and confusion/uneasiness -Over the shoulder shots- suspense and tension Common Mis-En-Scene -Thriller films often strive for realism and suspense to increase audience fear. This is achieved through Mis-En-Scene These are: -Props/Setting- often very dark and claustrophobic spaces that give an uncomfortable feeling -Lighting- enhances darkness and shadows; low level lighting to create fear and tension -Clothing- everyday, common clothing to pro...
We haven't filmed for our project yet for several reasons. Firstly, scheduling conflicts among group members have made it challenging to find a time when everyone is available. Secondly, we've been grappling with selecting the perfect location that aligns with our vision and is logistically feasible. Thirdly, we've encountered technical difficulties with our equipment, which have delayed our filming plans. Additionally, we've been refining our script and storyboard to ensure that our narrative is cohesive and compelling. Moreover, we've been conducting extensive research to accurately portray the themes and concepts we want to explore in our project. Furthermore, we've been coordinating with actors and other collaborators to bring our vision to life. Despite our best efforts, unforeseen circumstances have arisen, causing further delays. However, we're committed to delivering a high-quality final product and are willing to put in the necessary time and effor...
So, you know how our project was shaping up to be pretty awesome, right? Well, we hit a snag last week. We were super pumped about filming, but then reality hit hard. Homework piled up like crazy, and we realized we were drowning in assignments. Everyone in our group was struggling to keep up with the workload. We knew we had to buckle down and get it done. We tried juggling both homework and filming, but it was just too much. We needed a day to focus solely on catching up. It sucked because we were all eager to get filming, but we knew our grades were important too. Plus, we didn't want to rush through the project and have it turn out subpar. So, we made the tough call to postpone filming for a day. It was a bummer, but ultimately, it was the right decision. Once we cleared our homework backlog, we were able to dive back into filming with renewed energy and focus. And you know what? Taking that extra day paid off big time. Our project turned out even better than we hoped.
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