Movie Conventions Research: Frozen

For our second movie we all decided on watching frozen. However this is not the typical Disney Frozen. The Frozen is based off three adults getting trapped on a ski lift. The resort than closes for the night and they are trapped there for the night. We decided on this movie because of the suspense it created as the three adults were trapped on the lift. There were a lot of emotions running around throughout the entire movie making suspenseful all the way throughout. There was always a circumstance that made their problem worse. We really liked how this movie made sure the audience was engaged all the way through. There were very few parts that weren’t engaging as the majority of the movie was. However there were a couple of things we didn’t enjoy about the movie. There were parts in the movie that graphics such as the makeup and cgi were bad. Made the movie feel less entertaining as to see something gruesome that didn’t look real. This made the movie a little more comfortable too watch when that’s something we don’t look for in a thriller. Overall it was an amazing movie to watch and was very enjoyed. We plan on using this movies mistakes as a perimeter to what we shouldn’t do.


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