Genre: Comedy
Camera Angle, Shots, and Movements.
-Comedy focuses on portraying the feeling of excitement and joking, they do this by using various camera angles, movements, and shots.
These are:
-High angle and Low angle- to enhance power imbalance between the speaker and the audience it is being portrayed to.
-Close-up shots- to show reactions and dramatic details in fights that move the audience.
-Tracking shots/Panning- build suspense; could show a character about to take the final blow
-far angle- adds dramatic excitement and builds depth of the surroundings.
-Wait for it- where the camera is sitting still waiting for the joke to be told.
Common Mis-En-Scene
-Comedy films often strive for Excitement and laughter to increase audience initiative. This is achieved through Mis-En-Scene
These are:
-Props/Setting- often very bright and both spacious and closed spaces that give an under pressure feeling
-Lighting- enhances darkness (batman) and brightness (spiderman); low level lighting to create suspense and tension high level lighting for excitement
-Clothing- everyday, common clothing to promote realism or costumes to initiate imagination
-Make-up- limited amounts of makeup that could be worn every day to show realism; smudged/messed/blood up makeup is also commonly used to show distress of hero or villains in fights
Common Editing
-The key to comedy editing is focusing on increasing interlacement, to do that these directors often hold back when something big is about to happen from either the audience or the characters to add suspense and make things funnier in the long run.
-Common ways to do this are with flashbacks and strategic placement and order of shots. As well as blunt/dramatic changes to portray being skiddsh
They also use techniques like:
-Cut-aways- to provide vital context only when it is necessary
-Eye-line match- to show characters view and feelings of confidence or uncertainty
-Fade out- can be used with things like a character throwing a punch or dodging a bullet
-Shot/reverse shot- to show contrast between hero and the flying punch or bullet
-Common tool used is “the step back” which is when the camera is in differing positions between two shots. Creates humorous effect.
Common Sound
-Sound is a crucial factor in creating a humorous comedy film.
-This is done with both diegetic sounds
-It is common that directors use percussion or intense, dramatic sounding instruments like slowed whistling and bass to increase suspense and tension. These are non-diegetic
-They also utilize crowd noises in the background and cartoon sound effects to add childish jokes.
-I like how there are so many methods and specific ways to create humorous content, while still being unique to every movie.
-Not all comedy is the same and utilizes the same techniques so it would be fun to explore how we could achieve the funny feeling.
-The Mis-En-Scene being imaginative is smart and achievable for us as students with limited resources.
-They often require advanced editing and sound design that could be hard to achieve.
-They also often take place in unique settings which, without the correct equipment, can be hard to film in.
-Can be hard to produce original ideas and new, unique ways of portraying a story or timeline.
-Hitch and Jumanji are good examples of comedy films.
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