Planning Blog


We will be using prop weapons and murder scene props to fully embody the atmosphere of the murder mystery concept. This will be accessible via Elena because she has all of these things from previous experience in the film industry. Hopefully we won't have any issues on the things we wish we would have had in the filming process, and we will need to make sure we properly prepare to avoid this 


We will be wearing older costumes to embody kind of an older murder mystery genre kind of like the series/board game named "Clue".


On 1/17/24, The group will create our research, storyboard, and planning blog. 

On 1/21/24, The group will get all the props and materials we need for the video. 

On 1/25/24, The group will film what is needed for our Music Video. 

On 2/10/24, The group will edit the final touches for our Music Video. 


Location List: 

We will be using Zeyn's neighborhood to film the commercial.  

Our secondary location is to film in Jason's neighborhood. 

Zane's Neighborhood

Backup Plan: 

If for some reason my group is not able to film in Zeyn's community, we will go to either Zane's or Jason's neighborhood.


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