Production Blog: Final Day of Filming

 Today is the day we will finish filming. We will also finish the editing on our film. Today is the big day we put our creation into one. It’s a very exciting day for all four of us. But we need to start soon as it was 1 PM and I was still in bed. I hopped out of bed and drove to pick up Zeyn. We all met at Zane’s house and had lunch. We had Chipotle to make sure we are ready for the long day. This was very needed as we were all hungry. After we put all of our trash away and got to work. We started with filming in the neighborhood. We were able to get a ton of shots in the Forrest of his neighborhood. This was perfect as we needed that environment for our film. Once we finished up getting those shots we captured a few more final shots. We headed back to Zane’s house and sat down to edit. We got to editing on his computer in his room and it lasted 4-5 hours. We were very happy with the result and it was a very fun process. Now that our film is finally done we are very satisfied. Overall this was a very fun film to create.


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