Production Blog: So we Begin

     Today was the day we had planned on filming. We all got up at around 10 a.m. and started getting ready. We got dressed and biked to the first film location. Our first film location is at West Lake Park. We got there at around 11:20 a.m. and started setting up all the props. We set up the tripod and clothing props. We started filming and took each shot three times to ensure good results. After we got the park shots we cleaned up all the props. We got on our bikes and started heading towards the beach. We got to the beach and had a long walk before we found the perfect filming location. We took the first couple of shots dancing and walking on the sand. After those shots we got a couple of shots of us playing volleyball. After we played some volleyball we went and grabbed ice cream to use it for the video. We made sure to do each shot three times to ensure good results. After ice cream we got more shots of us dancing in crowds of people on the boardwalk. After we got all the shots we sat on the sand watching the sunset. While doing so I was organizing all shots. I put each shot in a selected folder so that way when we edit the video we wont struggle to find any of the clips. After sitting on the beach we got on our bikes and headed our own ways. Overall it was a very successful day and we were able to get a lot of work done.


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