Production Blog: Staying Productive

     Today we planned on meeting up and start editing our video. However as per usual Zeyn had a pop job call in. He had to attend it because it is now his priority. Sam was still dealing with family business. So it was only Jhon and I available. We were not able to meet up because of this. We needed all 4 of us to edit together. We need all of us so we can all put our input. We also all need to put in effort towards the editing part. Zeyn gets out of work very late today. This because they called him in for a double shift. Sam said that he is still trying to figure out his family stuff. He said everything is getting better though so it is getting better. We plan on meeting up tomorrow so we can start editing. We will all meet up at Sam's house as we can project the phone to his computer. We need this so that way we can all see what is happening when editing. For today we will just use it as a rest day. We plan on getting back on the grind tomorrow. Overall there wasn't too much going on today. We will see each other tomorrow after school to finalize the music video.


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