Title research: Watch the titles websites

  For our second website we researched "Watch the titles Websites" which is a website made for title designs. When making titles you want to have the opening title scene convey to the movie for example if a movie is more about Romantic and Comedy then the title designs would match the flow of that following the same theme. In title sequences they use certain transitions so that viewers who are watching the movie get a good impression and coordination of the movie. Having a good sequence is important it gives the viewers a representation of what the movie going to be about. For example is a movie starts off with explosions we could assume it would be about action and more. The opening sequence would focus the viewers attention on the animation where they place title cards. They add music that plays a role with the movie so it can have the audience grasp for more of what the movie is going to be. When making a title sequence capitalized letters emphasize and gives it a more dramatic look. Music has to match the flow of the background so it can give a more hint of what its going to be about, so for example if the animated title sequence is about Christmas and is not playing a calm or glowing music it can lead to confusion. Each detail played has to match the flow and cant be out of place cause it be unorganized bad presentation.


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