Production Blog: Another Timeout

Today Sam and Jhon were unable to film. Today was Sam’s birthday and he planned on celebrating it with his family. There was no way we would be able to film on Sam’s birthday as it is a once a year date and very special to him. On the other hand Jhon had a very important soccer game to attend. This game would determine whether or not he and his team make it to the semi finals. He is the teams starting winger so he needs to attend. On the other hand Zeyn and I new we had no time to waste. We prepared a FaceTime call for 4:30 pm as it would best for our schedules. In this call we discussed ideas for props, clothing, and accessories. We planned out the total cost for the day and roughly how long it would take to film and edit the opening scene. We also did some research on the upcoming weather to see when it would be best to film. We were looking for a partly cloudy not too hot of a day. As we plan on filming on an open soccer field the heat would be our number one enemy. Such weather could lead to serious injuries. As we said before safety is our number one priority. We also looked for the best snacks, drinks, and meals to bring to the filming set. We want to make sure the food will fuel all the actors to a full filled comfort. We looked into drinks and found that water and Gatorade would be our best options to bring on the film set. We also thought about bringing umbrellas and lawn chairs. Overall I feel that as much as we didn’t do anything today Zeyn and I were able to find something productive to make out of it.


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