Production Blog: Gathering Supplies

 Today we decided to wake up early and start the day productively. We all texted the group chat as soon as we woke up to make sure everyone is awake and ready for the day. Todays  plan was to gather all the supplies needed for filming these next couple of days. We planned on getting everything but the food today. We do not want to get the food just yet as we want it to be fresh for the day of filming. As a group we decided that our first stop will be Hobby Lobby. We decided this as Hobby Lobby has many plain coloured t-shirts that are cheap and will help for the costumes. We bought 11 t-shirts of 2 different colours. Our next stop was Brandsmart USA. We chose this place as it is right next to Hobby Lobby. We planned on going here to buy a couple of lawn chairs and umbrellas for film date. We will need these lawn chairs for comfort when filming. The umbrellas are for shade as when we film we know it will be sunny outside. Our final stop will be at 5Below. We decided to go here as we all know they sell coolers for a cheap price. We bought 2 coolers from 5Below. One for food and one for drinks. After gathering all the supplies we decided to grab dinner and enjoy the rest of the night together. While at dinner we split the money even ways for the props that we bought today so everyone payed equally. Overall it was a productive day and as a group we got a lot done.


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