Production Blog: Another Day Off

 Today we all collectively decided that we needed to all catch up on work. SAT is on Wednesday and we all feel that is best to prioritize that. So we did, we all stayed home and practiced for the SAT. I stayed inside all day and practiced in Khan Academy. Zeyn did the exact same thing I did. However Zane went to his practice for baseball and football. He did not have much time to study. Elena was able to use her time wisely and studied aswell. We all decided a day to film the last part of our film. We figured a day out and was set on it. We would use this day to finish the second part of filming. We will also used this day to edit the entire film. This will be very good as we have the entire day. We will be at Zane’s house the entire day. We will edit and film in his neighborhood and house. This is perfect as we are all together to edit the film. We would all be able to collectively cooperate and add our own critiques to it. The editing app we will use is Final Cut Pro.  Even with a day off we will be able to stay on top of our priorities. Today was a great use of our day even if it wasn’t for the film. 


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