Production Blog: An ill day

     Unfortunately, I got sick a few days before the planned recording day. We planned on recording a few days ago but I got sick which delayed the recording day. As I was sick Sam was also busy with family business. We’re planning on get the first few clips of the park and beach in one day of recording. Even tho I got sick we were still able to go out and grab props and prepare for the postponed film date. Zeyn and Jhon went to party city to purchase some fun props such as glasses, hats, and capes. I already have the “boom box” for the video so that was already off the checklist. I also have my iPhone 13 pro for the camera. My tripod will be used to capture shots that are not capable of being shot by bare hand. We will use our bikes to transport from place to place. Sam will bring his volleyball for the shot of us playing volleyball. We plan on using the volleyball shot to show an excitement of a sport. I am now feeling much better and we are still going through with the new film date. We are all available and have the transportation to get from point A to point B. Also another factor was that Zeyn was working that day because he got called in. He was called last minute which gave him a responsibility to go. It was a regular shift meaning he did not need to stay extra. However by the time he would get out it would be dark out which would not fit in with the video. Overall an unexpected road block came about but we found our way around it. We are all looking forward to officially begin filming.


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