Production Blog: Time to Film!

 Today was the day we officially filmed. I got up and texted everyone in the group chat making sure everyone was awake and ready. To my surprise everyone was awake and looking forward to filming. I ate breakfast and texted Zeyn, Jhon, Sam, and Andreas to start heading towards my house. Andreas arrived and helped me pack all the equipment from my garage into his car. We than went inside and grabbed all the food, snacks, and drinks. We than waited for Zeyn, Jhon, and Sam to arrive. They shortly all arrived at the same time. We arrived at the field and met up with all of our actors. We setup all the food available for everyone to eat. After we finished eating we had Zeyn and Jhon work with the accessories for everyone. Meanwhile Sam and I were working on setting up the filming area. Once we got the film area ready we went over to help Zeyn and Jhon finish up the accessory. Once we were all setup we began recording different takes. We tried out many different angles and took many different takes for each shot. We did this to make sure that once we get to the editing phase of the film we will have a ton of takes to choose from. Filming lasted about 3 hours until we had all the shots and angles we wanted recorded. We thanked all of our actors and finished up the left over food and snacks. We gave Andreas his compensation for all the driving he did. After which we played some more soccer just for fun and had an amazing evening all together. Overall it was a really productive an amazing day to film.


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