Planning Blog: Title Design

Our group took our time when deciding on our title. We realized that because this film is so important, the name must be just as amazing. After lots of consideration and ideas, we finally came to a mutual agreement. First, I thought we should name it "Cristiano", referencing the famous Portuguese footballer. However, my groupmates instantly shot this down. This is because they believed that it would make the story too unoriginal. That is why we did not go with the title, "Cristiano". After this, another suggestion was made. Sam believed that, "The Shot" was a good name. Instantly, we agreed against this. This name felt horrid to each of us. It felt generic, boring and overall, horrible. We then moved on. After these two below average contributions, we all focused and tried to think of the perfect title for our film. Many ideas came about but we stayed focused for the perfect one. That's when Jason decided to speak up. After being mostly quiet for almo...